Gluten Free Rn

Go Gluten Free for Good EP052



How do you successfully transition to and maintain a 100% gluten-free diet for the rest of your life? The prospect of eliminating wheat, barley and rye from your diet may seem daunting, but it is possible to go gluten free for good—for the good of your family and your health! The Gluten Free RN explains the addictive nature of gluten and what to expect during the detox process as you begin your gluten-free journey. She offers valuable advice around how to choose the best quality food products while avoiding potential sources of cross-contamination. Nadine discusses the need for supplements that will help you heal faster and more completely, speaking to the vitamin levels you should monitor along the way. Listen and learn her best tips for navigating the grocery store and maintaining a positive attitude throughout the process of going gluten-free—for GOOD! What’s Discussed:  The addictive nature of gluten Gliadin, gluten proteins bind to opioid receptors Wheat, barley and rye are cheap and readily available