Peak Reality Check

The Never Ending Cycle of News.



Big News from one of Colorado Spring's school districts. Did say it was Good News? From Foreign Affairs: Weak labor protections harm workers in a Covid-19 environment. With the loss of jobs will the consuming economy come back? Are there more lay-offs coming in October in time for the election? With Trumps ignoring Covid-19 is he fostering Ethnic Cleansing? The Susan B. Anthony museum tells Trump to "Take A Hike!" Has the myth of the U.S. having the best medical care in the world been laid to rest with Covid-19?  The Senate Intelligence committee recommends charges to be levied against...................(you'll just have to listen). No surprises here. Steve Bannon has been arrested by a postal inspector for.................(you'll just have to listen). Trump will not help California with its numerous fires because...................They didn't sweep the forest floors. WTF! Some Fox infotainment folks gave Joe Biden's speech a "Thumbs UP!" Trump says he'll decide the election. Sure! Right! Huh Huh! Can't get h