Peak Reality Check

The Bad! The Ugly! The Uglier! Will it even end?



Sen. Rand Paul graces us with his Pearls of Wisdom. Excuse me. We'll pass. Is another government shutdown in our future? October 1st is coming. Airlines are contemplating lay-offs October 1st.. Why? How many? Will the unemployment rate tick up right before the election. We're not going to call it a coronation. Does the stock market reflect YOUR economic circumstances? The Post Office again. Focus  on the Family is a Covid-19 hot spot. Will reserve our comments. Covid-19 deaths aren't as high as reported. Is there data manipulation going on here? Is the CDC downplaying the statistics? Cory Gardner & Ken Buck seen at a gun rally sans masks and social distancing. Check out Buck's "T" shirt. Trump really stepped on his "Crank" this time insulting our troops. Might be a non-recoverable situation for him. Will the election be contested and what about exit polls? Dung Lamborn is remaining silent. Where does he stand on the Post Office, insulting our troops, the coming possible government shut down, payroll tax a