Peak Reality Check

Yep! Another Gawd Awful Week. Will it NEVER end.



You thought last week couldn't get any worst? Well it did. "We're 28th!" Yeah! Three of the four Republican candidates  running for president in 2024 are No-Loads from the last campaign. Give it up, Fellas. The head of Medicare/Medicaid got caught with her hand in the cookie jar. The Feds have picked up Fraudsters trying to get PPP monies. Trump's running out of money for his campaign. The labor market is struggling and there are no new job creations. One of the local colleges is a Covid-19 hot spot.  Trump had a GO-Around with Murdoch of Faux News (?). Did it go well? Talk about Pissing the Pope Off? Trump called our soldiers who lost their lives in battle, Losers and Suckers. There's a couple of million votes Trump cannot count on. They vote absentee don't they? Postmaster General DeJoy is funneling taxpayer money into his pocket.  Should the U.S. have a Grand Strategy of Resilience? Dee has some Good News and some Bad News (Isn't the above enough for her?).  There's more. The Woodward tapes?