Peak Reality Check

Debates Politicians Voting QAnon and More



How do you debate a Liar in Chief? Will there be a hue change in Texas? Idaho has a peck of troubles. Guess who brought them on? State Supreme Courts: Are they going against the voting public? Democratic cities are pulling their weight. Red State Socialism: How's that working out for the Takers? Military families: Guess who they're supporting this election cycle? The Commander in Chief?  QAnon, Gelinas, Watkins, Borbert. What do they have in common? Congressman Doug Lamborn is trying to pull the wool over our eyes. But, we caught him cold trying to fool us. Will there be life for the Space Force after the election? Does anybody know whether it will be a defensive or exploratory organization?  Remdesivir: The domestic health people say one thing and the World Health Organization says another. Confused? You should be.