Peak Reality Check

Katie Porter vs. Steve Mnuchin Betsy DeVos Doug Lamborn



Steven Mnuchin was having a battle of wits with Congresswoman Katie Porter. Unfortunately for him, he was shooting blanks. Poor Betsy DeVos struggling to keep up with the Jones's. Congressman Doug Lamborn dishes out some of his low grade BS. We've been waiting for him to improve the quality so as it may a little more palatable. Can you believe Lamborn signed on to the TX attorney generals lawsuit in invalidate the voters of Georgia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan? Why do the electors of Colorado CD-5 keep electing this guy? He's stained for life. It's party time. Get ready to count the increase in Covid-19 cases. Some Covid-19 deniers get "Good Vibrations" and we're not talking about the Beach Boys here. McConnell is doing his darnedest to put the U.S. economy in the toilet. A huge mess. Foreign Affairs magazine says we're not prepared for a future confrontation with China (Don't worry. This won't happen in the immediate future). What's keeping Russia in the game? It sure isn't its economy.