Connections Leadership Series Podcast

Ep. 5: John LeBoutillier, President & CEO of Unilever Canada



My conversation with John LeBoutillier, who is the President & CEO of Unilever Canada, was very thought provoking. This interview has some really good tactical advice for people at all stages of their career.  This Podcast is brought to you by Exact Media, which works with brands to sample their products using the excess space in eCommerce parcels. Companies like P&G, Unilever, Johnson & Johnson, L'Oréal, Coca-Cola and Pepsi have all used Exact Media to reach consumers in their homes. Learn more at We talk about important leadership lessons, approaches to integrating yourself into a new organization after a career change, and his views on work-life balance. John got to the top by simply outworking everyone else, and he covers that story in-depth throughout this interview.  These are just a few of the highlights from our chat:  - He believes that he has an average intellect, but he compensates for this by outworking everyone else. He couldn’t talk until he was four years old and