Inspirational Creatives Podcast

ICP 285 The No B.S. Way To Creating A Small Business That Matters in 2020 with Neil Foley of the Business Growth Club



Starting a small business can be both tough and exhilarating. Being technically gifted as a master craftsman/woman of your trade is a good place to start. Yet knowing how and when to start is better… And it pays to get help. In this episode, you’ll hear why it’s a good idea to get feedback early on. And how the right kind of mindset can impact your success when starting out. I introduce you to one of my closest business mentors, Neil Foley. Neil shares his best advice with you, from his many years experience, as an advisor, coach and owner, to many businesses. Neil kindly answers the frequently asked questions often asked by aspiring business owners: Revealing why pricing is often about confidence and how offering discounts can hurt both you and your business. (And why you shouldn’t worry about the competition…) This interview was recorded live at JMS Studios in Hethersett, Norfolk, England.