Inspirational Creatives Podcast

ICP 298 The Key To Creating a Successful Creative Business Online in 2021



If you choose to listen to only one short action episode this year, I highly recommend this one! In this short action episode, Kira and Ilysa reveal the key to how they’ve both created successful lives and a business working together as artists. Their insights might surprise you. Learn the two elements that could fundamentally change your life and business and the way you see and think about creating a business online and in the world today. Kira and Ilysa were interviewed by Sandra. Items mentioned in this episode (quick access): [01:06] Introducing Kira, Ilysa and Sandra and this short action episode. [02:15] How to create a successful business online in 2021. [03:26] How the internet changed things for Ilysa. [04:28] The challenges creatives, artists and podcasters face today. [04:45] Why it’s important to back your own ideas. [05:06] The first tip and how it relates to a phenomena called “Podfade”. [06:47] The two elements that will help you create a successful business and life. [08:08] Why you must be c