Kristi Lee Uninterrupted

The Latest Member of the BOB & TOM staff, Jeff Oskay



Meet the newest member of the Bob and Tom Show family, Jeff Oskay! Jeff has worn many hats in his career, but the most important is that of DAD! On this Father’s Day week we celebrate all dads by discussing Jeff’s experience being a single dad or as he says “single parent”. Ok sure we talk about others things too… moving on from being “single” to a committed relationship with his girlfriend Maggie and her two daughters. Combining the two families, oh and chickens and goats! Jeff and family are now the proud owners of 7 backyard chickens and he hopes to add to his menagerie at some point in the future. If I haven't enticed you to listen yet we also talk comedy. Jeff is a stand up comic who not only writes for the Bob and Tom Show but also performs in comedy clubs across the country. And he has just added becoming the guy “behind the scenes” on our VIP video feed. This show has a little bit of everything and you might even end up with a dozen fresh eggs. Yum!