Grits To Glitz

Grits to Glitz, episode 346



If you haven't voted yet, here's a calm, level-headed, equitable discussion of the two candidates and how their platforms differ so you can make an informed decision... NOT! Ha ha ha, can't help it, that's hilarious, I just had to write that. Snort! Anyway, the Disaster Prius strikes again, Amy went camping, foxes are cute, and Bay drank too much. Don't email her at work! Actually, you can totally email her at work, just don't call her Jennifer. Also, no, don't email her at work. We also discuss politics, tree removal, petroglyphs, fashion choices (skorts 4ever), hiring help, classic holiday films, and sparkly things. Typical Grits to Glitz! Find us on Facebook! Amy Trotter Turner and Bay Secondtry! Linky links: Cute fox video! Hire some help! Plant a sturdy tree! Cover your hoo hoo, wear a skort! Get your bling on! There were never such devoted SISTERS! Stinky molar men petroglyphs!