Echorift | Pop Culture Interceptor (yes, A Fast Car From A Dark Future)

036 | Comics | Locke & Key Vol 1: Welcome to Lovecraft (IDW Comics)



Horror month gets back on track with a review of Sinister and Joe Hill/Gabriel Rodriguez' Locke & Key Volume 1 + a couple of callers and Mike's sleep paralyses days. Be sure to check out our comic, Hurry The Rabbitoid Knight: Prelude to Epilogue! Radio Free Echo Rift is a pirate broadcast transmitted from a secret location deep beneath the city of Philadelphia. Don and Mike discuss comics, movies, and the comics that they make based on what they see in the mysterious Echo Rift. New Episodes every Wednesday and most Fridays. Subscribe and rate us on iTunes! Download Episode 36 - Ghost Key Episode 36 - Ghost Key 00:36 - Intro01:21 - Caller - Transformers02:31 - Caller - Marvel NOW! The Great Nova Debate05:30 - Mike's Sleep Paralyses10:39 - Sinister Movie Review16:08 - Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez Locke & Key Volume 1: Welcome to Lovecraft17:56 - The Premise, Introduction to the Locke family20:43 - Bode and the Ghost Door21:55 - The Lady in the Well24:07 - Keyhouse, Ghost Key, and Anywhere Key25:41 -