Out Of The Box With Christine

The Micro Podcast on Podcasting: Episode 4 - The Art of The Interview



THE ART OF THE INTERVIEW - If you haven’t been born under a rock (and if you’re reading this I am assuming you weren’t) you know that EVERYONE loves a good story. Since humans have been able to communicate past a grunt and grrrr we have had the innate need to tell our stories to one another. Be it to warn the other cave dwellers that a big bad T-Rex is on the hunt and in the hood, or to share what it feels like to fall in love, we have a long history of being insanely good storytellers. But as the art of communicating around the fire and handing down stories from generation to generation has been somewhat lost in modern times, we have relegated our collective stories to be told by a chosen few. So who gets to tell our stories today? For the most part large corporate media conglomerates, film studio executives, pop singers and a handful of lucky authors who’ve been able to wooo large publishing houses into accepting them on their roster. Obviously there are a lot of powerfully important and moving stori