Startup Grind

A Pro Soccer Startup with Adrian Hanauer, Owner of the Seattle Sounders



Owner and General Manager of the Seattle Sounders, Adrian Hanauer.  Prior to becoming the owner of the Sounders, Adrian was a seed stage investor in aQuantive Inc. and an early investor in  He is also the Director at the Cambridge United Football Club Limited and sits on the Board of Trustees for the Museum of History and the Industry Advisory Board at the of The University of Washington. Overall, Adrian has 15 years of business experience in a variety of industries and has invested in numerous early stage technology companies in gaming, advertising, infrastructure, and wireless communications. Adrain has earned an Intercollegiate Sports Master's degree.  Lets listen into Adrian Hanauer interviewed by Startup Grind Seattle Director, Mike Grabham.  Toptal is an amazing company. They've got over 2,500 developers and designers in their network.  They've screened them extensively so that you get to work with the top 3% of developers and designers. So basically what happens is that you let Toptal know