Startup Grind

Fundraising 101 with Joy Randels, CEO of New Market Partners



Hey there and welcome to Monday’s episode of the startup grind podcast. Today we have a great conversation with Joy Randels CEO of New Market Partners and 11 time serial entrepreneur. She also happens to be the director of one of Startup Grind’s best chapters, Tampa Bay. Joy is a highly energetic presenter and frequent speaker on entrepreneurship, security, mobile and cloud technology. Joy co-founded New Market Partners in 2003 to assist emerging technology companies in taking their ideas from concept to a successful business. She also co-founded the Nurturism Media Group, Digital Collective and Applied G2. Joy is also an active angel investor with success most recently through the acquisition of several startup ventures, including Velocitude, a mobile technology company acquired by Akamai Technologies. Let’s listen into Joy Randels live from Startup Grind’s Global Conference Earlier this year.