Yap - Yet Another Podcast

New Boy | YAP, Yet Another Podcast | Episode 40



What up, everybody? Welcome to episode 40 of YAP. This week, we initiate Kai into the crew properly by... oh shit I forgot to order the padel... Never mind.    Video games, them things, we played some. To be specific (but not too specific): Andy played a lil' bit of PokerStarsVR & Dragon Ball FighterZ, Kai rocked some.... uh, he didn't put what he played into the show notes. I think he played something with a controller? Not too sure. Antonio finishes by playing some Expert+ on Beat Saber, the disappointment that was the Spider-man DLC and the awesomeness that was Resident Evil 2 Remake.   There is some Nintendo Direct talk too. Have fun. Bye. xx