Package Your Genius Personal Branding Podcast

PYG 73: Sometimes You Are Who You've Always Been



What's your secret sauce? What makes you unique? How is your approach different from that of everyone else? What makes you, you? When it comes time to package a message around one's personal brand, clarity on those distinguishing factors seems to be where most people struggle. But I've found that our pivotal life moments - the moments that are forever etched in our memories - tell the story of who we really are. Because more often than not, who we are is who we've always been. The life moments, our first or earliest memories of feeing disappointed, torn, devastated... Our first recollections of feeling powerful, exhilarated, energized... Those first memories of feeling confused, furious, or that life was unfair... What do you remember? What sticks out to you, even now? How did those life events change you?  *** I have a vivid memory of playing on the playground in elementary school. My elementary school was pretty racially diverse, but socially segregated. Yet somehow I always found myself stra