Package Your Genius Personal Branding Podcast

PYG 93: Strike while the iron is hot



While it's nice to think it's never too late to follow your dream, in reality, some dreams have a shelf life.  Whether they depend on you being youthful, a relevant technology, or your own level of personal freedom, there are periods in all of our lives when it's easier to do certain things than others.  That's why you should strike while the iron is hot. Don't wait to feel ready, don't wait to leap; if you wait too long, you may miss your moment. As a good friend and PR expert shared with me when discussing one of my brand ideas, "the window for this opportunity will close if you want to make a mark on this issue, do it soon..." I share the same idea with you. None of us are getting any younger. Technology changes at rapid speed. The pace of business is dizzying. If you have an idea that is marketable now, launch it. If you have always dreamed of living abroad and a job opportunity opens up overseas, take it. If you have a book idea and the topic is hot right now, write it. Strike while the