Package Your Genius Personal Branding Podcast

PYG 105: What you can learn from what comes easy to you



I've said it before - and I stand by the statement. You have to make the case for what you've done in order to get what you want now.   Simply having the epiphany that you want to use your skills differently is not enough - you need receipts to back up your claims if you want people to pay you.   But where I see most people getting stuck is they fail to look at the evidence and results they're closest to.   The unpaid work, the help you lended a friend, that time you totally helped a family member regroup, save money, or plan the vacation of a lifetime.   Most people think that if their results aren't tied to paid work, they don't count.Or if they're not tied to formal training, they don't count.   But all you need to have evidence that you can do what you're telling people you can do is a repeated pattern of success.   Whether you trained for it or came by it naturally, if people keep showing up to get a solution from you and you keep delivering, this is work you're capable of being compensated for.   When y