Wisdom Teachings - Sat Yoga, Costa Rica

Presuppositions Plague our Past – 08.04.11



Student Question:  I know this is not related to what we are talking of this moment, but I still have a lot of enigmas and unanswered questions.  Although I keep informed of some of these matters I still make the same question that Einstein made when he said that, “does it mean that if I am not looking at the moon, the moon is not there”?  Well that’s something that still bothers me inside of my head and I don’t have an answer for that.  And questions like who was watching at the moment of the big bang?  But there is something that happened one day here and I mentioned something related with Paleontology and evolution and I heard you very decided and very sure, affirm that the way Paleontology has presented things is not correct.  Even today if you see any analysis that they present to you at schools with the Carbon-14 dating, they can say when it was that people were living and you can see a path, although I don’t want to use the word evolution.  What are your thoughts on that?