Wisdom Teachings - Sat Yoga, Costa Rica

Eternal – Silent – Presence – 02.16.12



Excerpt:  "Each of us has ESP, because we are ESP…  What we mean here by ESP is Eternal, Silent, Presence.  The Self that we are is always in Eternal, Silent, Presence.  The one Self, and the one Self is the guru - the only guru.  The one Self has been called by many names...  The earliest name known is that of Shiva, but all religions give their own name to the same truth…  For some religions that self is called the Supreme Self and from the perspective of ignorance, that is accurate.  Because all else that portrays itself as a Self is really just an object in consciousness…  So there is only one real Self and that Self is beyond words and thoughts and in an inconceivable silence, and even to say that is to go too far because the self is Nirguna.  Without qualities that can be in any way considered a description of the Self, because the Self is not an object, not a thing, not an appearance, but we can also say that the self has infinite attributes.  The three main ones noted by the Vedas are Sat – Chit – Ana