Wisdom Teachings - Sat Yoga, Costa Rica

Being What Is – 03.08.12



Excerpt:  “It is said that there are many paths.  It is also said there are no paths. And it is also said that there is only one disguised as many…  And here we teach what has historically been considered the most direct understanding of Self-realization and liberation…  Liberation from suffering and that means liberation from illusion….  And so to say that a path is the most direct path is to say that you are not going through any indirect intellectual concepts or belief systems or practices that require you to believe that there is someone who is trying to achieve something because that is already the illusion that we are trying to break free of….  And so if you carry that further you come to the recognition that all concepts are false because they are indirect representations of what is, rather than simply being what is….  What is, is Emptiness….  There is an awareness, if you want to call it that, or consciousness that is prior to all the objects that appear in consciousness, because no objects