Wisdom Teachings - Sat Yoga, Costa Rica

Allowing the Power of Love to Flow – 10.25.12



Excerpt:  "Sat Yoga is a finishing school - probably the last of the finishing schools.  Feminism killed off most of them, but here we have a co-ed finishing school… and yes we are here to finish off the ego but we are doing it not by destruction but by allowing it to attain its perfect form and then the ego blossoms into the soul and if we allow it the soul blossoms into pure spirit.  We teach about different assemblage points here.  Each assemblage point is really an opening up to love at a higher, broader, deeper level.  But the essence of what we are is love at every level - even at the level of the ego, which we say “oh, the ego cannot love”, which is true in terms of divine love, but the ego is love because that’s all that is, is love.  At the first assemblage point the problem is the ego’s circle of care and love does not go beyond its own self-image… it loves what is sees in the mirror and it loves others adoring gazes and saying yes etc. and it loves sensual pleasures and that kind of thing – what Fr