Wisdom Teachings - Sat Yoga, Costa Rica

Being the Mystery! – 01.10.13



Excerpt:  “We are here to practice yoga.  Yoga is the ancient science of consciousness.  How do you practice a science?  It is through the exploration of your consciousness.  And it is an applied science as well as simply a theoretical pure science and the application of this scientific method is to arrive at the purification of consciousness.  The removal from consciousness of all the superimpositions that have like veils or transparencies, filters, ended up causing us to superimpose upon reality, illusions.  If they are severe enough we call them delusions. The modern science of psychology derives from the ancient science of yoga, but it’s spectrum of understanding of the nature of consciousness is much smaller - it understands only a sliver of what we call ego consciousness, whereas the point of yoga is to transcend ego consciousness, because the great scientists of consciousness thousands and thousands of years ago discovered that there were levels of consciousness that far transcend anything available to