Wisdom Teachings - Sat Yoga, Costa Rica

Meditation: An Inward Prayer – 12.04.14



Excerpt: “Meditation is inward prayer. To understand this in depth we need to understand . . . inwardness. Every religion bifurcates into two basic forms which have been referred to exoteric religion and esoteric religion. The exoteric – the outer religion – is the religion that is delivered to those who are mentally immature; for children, for those who still need to believe in Santa Claus or some equivalent, for those who require a concrete imaginary image of God and of a way of living that is ethical that can only be delivered in very concrete ways. . . . But at the level of esoteric religion, the inner religion, for those who are philosophically mature, for those who seek Truth that is beyond fact, we can call it ‘Hyper-Truth’ if you wish, in which it’s beside the point whether anyone named Jesus walked the earth because the reality of Jesus is beyond the question of the fact. The reality of Christ is here and now, not a historical question.” Recorded on the evening of Thursday, December 4, 2014.