Wisdom Teachings - Sat Yoga, Costa Rica

True Pain Relief – 03.27.15



Excerpt: ”Every soul carries so much pain from so many other lives, so much karma. The soul itself is ripped and torn and unable to function, let alone the ego split into a thousand shards of egoic fragments with no willpower; a total inner chaos of instability – that there is no way out except the death of the ego. And it’s when that is recognized that there is nothing else on one’s agenda but that, that liberation is achieved. But as long as there are any options of doing anything else, one will choose those options because this is the most difficult, the most radical, and it’s only an extreme amount of pain that would provoke someone to take a path like this. And so therefore consider your pain a blessing: without it you would not find God.” Recorded on the morning of Friday, March 27, 2015.