Wisdom Teachings - Sat Yoga, Costa Rica

True Spiritual Warrior: The Vision of the Unborn – 07.08.15



Excerpt: “Arjuna is the archetype of the spiritual warrior. But the war that is fought is the war against the illusion that there is a war. The spiritual warrior knows that there is no one to fight; there is no conflict except one’s own mind. And Arjun is Ajat, unborn, and to the one who knows there is no birth, there can also be no death, and thus there can be no suffering, and there can be no gain and no loss.  The spiritual warrior is one who is in resonance with Krishna, the avatar, the embodiment of that absolute spiritual knowledge that is also power, and that appears as compassion, and wisdom, and moral strength.” Recorded on the morning of Wednesday, July 8, 2015.