Wisdom Teachings - Sat Yoga, Costa Rica

How to Cut the Knot of Suffering - 10.22.18



Shunyamurti begins by asking the difference between a spiritual seeker and a spiritual finder, saying that the seeker has a human sized ego and the finder has a cosmic ego, and he goes on to elucidate the concept of Nothing, then goes into a metaphor of a car on a journey (ego = tires, soul = GPS, Atman = Driver), and says that the ego is terrified that Liberation from the matrix will be the end of jouissance, then speaking about the difference between individual mind and Mind (as infinite consciousness without thoughts—that Thinks!), and concluding on the role of art, as well as the pop songs that get stuck in our (small) mind. Are you ready for more advanced teachings from Shunyamurti? Sign up to our Member's Section to get 4 video teachings per month, access to our archive, and many more offerings of spiritual wisdom. Click here for more: Members Section Overview