Wisdom Teachings - Sat Yoga, Costa Rica

From the Little Prince to the Big Lebowski: A Modern Myth



Having screened The Big Lebowski the previous evening, Shunyamurti analyzes the famous line, “The Dude Abides”, and contextualizes the place of the Dude on the spectrum of consciousness, noting that the puer aeternus (the psychological position of staying an immature "eternal child" and refusing to grow up or take responsibility), embodied in past cultural icons such as The Little Prince, has become the Big Lebowski, and encourages us to abide as the Supreme Dude, rather than the Dude portrayed in the Cohen brothers' movie. Are you ready for more advanced teachings from Shunyamurti? Sign up to our Member's Section to get 4 video teachings per month, access to our archive, and many more offerings of spiritual wisdom. Click here for more: Members Section Overview