Package Your Genius Personal Branding Podcast

PYG 130: How I handle exposure as an INTROVERT



Believe it or not, I'm a hardcore introvert.  Networking events are my least favorite thing right after small talk. But I realized at some point that if I wanted my business to grow, I'd have to get in front of new people.  I needed a way to show strangers what I knew and what problems I solve if I ever wanted new clients to hire me. Enter the media. What other way can you get in front of thousands while only interacting with a handful of people to make the interview happen? But most introverts see media as a big overwhelming proposition when in reality, there are a number of ways you can approach it. I came up with a few media exposure personality types. Which one are you? The Thinker - The thinker has ideas to share and recommendations to make. They would rather share those ideas in a long form way by writing. Their dream media placement would be a New York Times op ed or an essay in the Atlantic The Talker - The talker loves to engage. And short snippets just won't do, they prefer to get into it and