Package Your Genius Personal Branding Podcast

PYG 145: Are you being obedient to the call of your path?



If you're anything like me, you've probably had a zillion ideas that somehow 'magically' dropped into your spirit - things you somehow knew you were supposed to be doing, or chances you new you were supposed to be taking, but you couldn't explain how you knew exactly what you knew. You may call it intuition, your inner knowing, God or the Holy Spirit. Whatever you call it, you know when you've gotten a direct download. But acting on those downloads is another thing all together.  I've received clear downloads for years, but I haven't always been obedient about taking them and acting on them. But last year when I decided to be obedient to one specific download, I realized that all along, my obedience had been the key to unlock a level I didn't even know was there! My obedience produced the missing puzzle piece to a specific goal that had eluded me for years. To experiment with this concept, ask yourself: Have you ever acted on a big goal even though you were terrified, and been surprised by the results?