Package Your Genius Personal Branding Podcast

PYG 154: Lead with you



This past fall, I had the pleasure of working with conscious business and brand strategist Ash Johns in Package Your Genius Academy. Ash has quite the bio; trained in corporate advertising, she's also highly spiritual and intuitive. Her spiritual talents and passion for social equity inform her current business where she works as a psycho-spiritual coach. Before entering PYG Academy, Ash was rightfully hesitant about money. She'd just returned to the U.S. from Bali, and her business wasn't earning enough to sustain her life back in the States. She craved a business where she could lean into her 'woo' and package premium services with her ancestral healing work front and center. But she feared it wasn't realistic to expect to make the same kind of money as a healer as she'd made in her six-figure corporate gig. Ash uncovered during the three months of the academy that she could show up 100% authentically, lead with her spiritual "woo" side, and still make a lot of money. As a matter of fact, once she shi