Tape Talk | Investing, Business, Wealth, And Your Money

Planning Ahead



In this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel discuss some ways to think about planning ahead in your financial life. Headlines Hitting the headlines this week is news that China and the US intend to begin rolling back some tariffs as they find some neutral ground in the trade war. However, at this point, the market doesn't seem to be paying attention to these updated trade war headlines. In fact, it may just be that the market overall is becoming deaf to the trade war static until something more tangible comes to pass. Preparing for the Inevitable It's been said that nothing in life is certain other than death and taxes. While you are hopefully planning for your taxes annually it seems that death is quite a taboo topic for many. However, whether it is the death of a partner, their incapacitation, or just a change in life circumstances, it's important to plan ahead for what you'll do if something happens to the financial "CFO" in your relationship. Quint and Daniel discuss what they consider and wha