The Bike Karma Podcast

Bike Karma EP 39 Defeet Cycling Socks- Best Buddies Cycling- and more



Bike Karma EP39:  Segments -Intro  1- DeFeet Cycling socks with company founder Shane Cooper 2- Best Buddies Cycling - Richard Fries and Fred Thomas & Sell your bike stuff with The Frame and Wheel 3- Farewell to Tarran the Intern & Mid-roll Invitation to do the ABC Quick Check (directions in show)- 24 hour recording Line 860-740-2813 4- Thanks for following and leaving positive reviews.  5- Swap meets and The Wethersfield Bicycle Festival 6- Greg and Bert the Cycling Dog from Tuscon, AZ 7- Announcements, Thanks, Announcements, and Credits   If you like any segment or episode PLEASE follow, like, share, or even better give a positive review on iTunes, Podbean, Instagram, Tumblr, AND NOW SPOTIFY... and share with any bicycle loving friends or people who don't like bicycles but who need to understand why you do. FREE STICKERS!!!!   To see what is men