The Bike Karma Podcast

BK EP 44 - Porter Cycles - Rooftop Revival- Snowbikes - Velocipedium Check



Bike Karma EP44:  Segments -Intro  1- The Value of Admitting You're Not Perfect with Tom Porter from Porter Cycles 2- ABC Quick Check with Rowan Debonair of the Velocipedium 3- Mid Roll Thank You and Sell your bike stuff with show supporter The Frame and Wheel 4- Gigging by Bicycle with Vignes Rooftop Revival (all songs in this segment by Vignes Rooftop Revival) 5- A Quick Case for getting a SNOWBIKE 6- Final Thanks, Announcements, and Credits (Tarran checks back in!!!) If you like any segment or episode PLEASE follow, like, share, or even better give a positive review (especially on iTunes), and share with any bicycle loving friends or people who don't like bicycles but who need to understand why you do. FREE STICKERS!!!! while they last   To see what is mentioned in the podcast check out my...   Bike Karma Instagram Page   and/or