Fierce Feminine Leadership

Re-Release: The 7 Figure Service Business Ecosystem Part 2: 3 Phases of Growing a PPAM Business



I recently dove into the core of what we teach in our business accelerator program: PPAM. The Premium Priced Ascension Model is an ecosystem that enables you to skyrocket your CIA and your freedom. Today, we’re expanding on the information we shared in part one to give you an even better idea of how to build a successful service-based business.  When you start creating your PPAM business, there are three phases that each have their own milestones and tasks. Each phase builds off the last, so it’s important to do this work thoroughly and in order. Keep Reading >> As your business grows, so should your cash, influence, and autonomy. With the PPAM model, that is the priority. We guide you every step of the way so that you can grow a business that allows you to make money and make an impact while enjoying plenty of free time.  In today’s podcast, I’m sharing a re-release of the episode that takes the PPAM model a step further by explaining the three phases you go through to build a PPAM business. I’m walking you