My Ceo Life

Hot to Find Yourself Again 2021



Hi my loves, I have seen a lot of posts recently from women talking about how they miss the old version of themself, the more confident version. Maybe the pre-C version. It’s so normal at times throughout your life to feel like you have lost yourself, especially if you have lost a person, a relationship, a job, a career. We can look back and say “that version of me was so confident, I wish I was her again”. The first thing I want to task is what does finding yourself feel like? Finding yourself is the feeling of clarity, its confidence, it’s certainty. 1. The first thing to note is that you are still her. That version of you that you are missing, is still inside you. 2. It is not the job, the relationship or the circumstance that you are missing it is the version of you that was present in that circumstance. She is still in you. Where is she in your body? Can you feel in to her? 3. Distancing yourself from thought. During these times when we feel lost, perhaps there is a trigger or a trauma happening.