Moxietalk With Kirt Jacobs

MoxieTalk with Kirt Jacobs #362: Tom Williams



Tom is a member of the KY. law firm of Stoll Keenon Ogden, where his legal practice focuses on mgt.-side labor & employment law.  Multiple times he has been recognized as 1 of the top 50 lawyers in the Commonwealth of KY. by Super Lawyers. Tom was a funder of Restorative Justice Louisville. He has also served as Pres. of the Louisville Bar Assoc. & Bd. Chair of Leadership Lou. being recognized by that organization as 1 of Louisville’s “Connectors.” As well as yours truly back in 2010. Tom was instrumental in having a marker dedicated to Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech at the lincoln memorial.  He advanced a similar resolution naming Thomas Merton Square in Lou. where Merton had his famous epiphany. Tom served on the Steering Committee for the 2013 visit of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Lou. During that time, he served as co-host for Compassionate Lou.  For that work, Louisville was named the model compassionate city for multiple years and Tom received the Intnl. Ht. of Compassion award f