Key Voices

Key Voices #122 - ‘Equality, diversity and inclusion among school staff’ with Edurio



This week we talk to Iona Jackson, Head of Research at Edurio and Amy Ferguson, Deputy Headteacher of an Independent Special School. We discuss Edurio’s recent research report on Equality, diversity and inclusion among school staff. Iona tells us about the report’s main findings and Amy shares her reflections, and suggestions as to what schools can do practically to become more inclusive.     We talk about:  What the terms equality, diversity and inclusion actually mean  The main findings of the report: notably how less than half  of respondents felt their school was diverse and that white staff, men and staff without a disability reported feeling more confident that staff are treated equally than their peers The impact that bias, either conscious or unconscious, can have in schools  How to close the perception gap between a leadership team who feels they are adequately addressing equality, diversity and inclusion, and a staff that feel differently  The importance of involving staff and getting honest