Key Voices

Key Voices #123 - Work ready and world ready with Aspirations Academy Trust and Ian Livingstone CBE



This week we talk to Steve and Paula Kenning, Managing Directors of  Aspirations Academy Trust, and Ian Livingstone CBE, a games industry veteran, who is working with the trust to found a new academy in Bournemouth - the Livingstone Academy. We talk about the principles underpinning the work of the Aspirations Academy Trust and hear about how Steve and Paula have worked with Ian to found a different and exciting new school.    We talk about:  Steve and Paula’s experiences building a trust and developing their educational philosophy  Ian’s background, the work he has done on improving the quality of digital education and why he wants young people to move from being in the passenger seat as users of technology, into the driving seat where they are creating it The central focus the trust has on making education exciting, engaging, practical and interdisciplinary  How the plan for the school came about and some of the innovative ways they plan to work in terms of curriculum, leadership and use of digital to