Girls Chase Podcast

5: Darius Belejevas | Sexy Men’s Fashion



Fashion’s an integral part of how good you look and the kind of impression you make on women (plus how strong that impression is). Get it right, and you can easily become the guy women hope walks up to introduce himself to them. “If you know what you’re doing, you can completely transform your image in one shopping trip.” Quote from Darius Belejevas, Girls Chase Podcast V. Selected topics of conversation… • How women react to the style you present (14:02) • What “nice guy” fashion looks like (14:55) • What effect does excellent dress have on women? (16:45) • How to dress to meet professional women (17:19) • How to dress to meet college girls (18:20) • What “classy” women look for (19:44) • The importance of really good shoes (21:52) • Fashion differences for light-skinned men vs. dark-skinned (22:36) • How fashion fits into the overall dating picture (23:39) • Overcoming body image issues and physical insecurities (25:32) Listen online: