Awfully Salty

Ep037 - Awfully Salty - Rogue Cut



SPOILER ALERT 00:00 - Marvel Monsters Unleashed 03:56 - New Logan trailer 07:49 - More Wonder Woman talk 09:49 - Agents of SHIELD sad existence 12:58 - Justice League vs Suicide Squad 15:24 - The weekly sad state of the DCEU 17:38 - Talking shit about Bobby 18:48 - Power Rangers movie hate 20:05 - Cable and Aquaman casting rumors 23:05 - Adam Sandler 24:53 - Terminator and James Cameron 29:10 - James Cameron's Filmography 35:03 - Casting Nightwing in the DCEU 38:49 - The Walking Dead All Out War and Bane