The Chick Whisperer Podcast

How To Find A Feminine Woman Who Actually Loves Men - MTP117



Okay, here it is... Even though there are more high-profile men being outed as sexual assailants every day, that doesn't necessarily mean YOU'RE a monster simply for being male and attracted to women. Yet more guys than ever before are at a total loss as to how to even TALK to women, let alone express romantic interest. And an even more profound challenge seems to be even finding a woman who still loves, adores and appreciates a real man...especially US. Meanwhile, the greatest tragedy of all is it seems the most significant collateral damage to angry 3rd-wave Feminism has been femininity itself. Well, for this show I'm joined by none other than Relationship Theory host and Quest Nutrition co-founder Lisa Bilyeu, who was genuinely excited to discuss how we as men can find a strong, empowered yet FEMININE woman who is all about honoring your masculinity. If you've found yourself feeling a bit jaded by all the gender politics swirling around in today's world, you'll find Lisa's message--and her whole persona, r