Coach Colin

The Shift to Purpose



There is often a misconception that companies must be either purpose-driven or profit-driven, but cannot be both. This is no longer the case. Research proves that purpose fuels profits. Purpose-driven companies are more likely to have: More motivated and energized employees, More delighted, loyal and satisfied customers and Better business outcomes. So how to you create a Shared Purpose with your team? With every task you decide to do, ask yourself, 'Why am I Doing this Now?' Answer this question based on the four different ways to ask and decribe the needs that you feel your are trying to fulfill. Do you want to do a test to understand more about your priority of the Six Human Needs? These are the five questions you can have with your team to try and help them to connect to their inner purpose: 1. What are you good at doing? 2. What do you enjoy? 3. What feels most useful? 4. What creates a se