Stanford Radio

E67 | Anne Kiremidjian: Cities built to endure disaster



The Future of Everything with Russ Altman: "Anne Kiremidjian: Cities built to endure disaster" Wind, water and quakes can destroy years of valuable development in an instant, but there are ways to build more resilient cities. Episode Notes Like clockwork, every time a large natural disaster hits and wipes out billions in built infrastructure, public officials, developers and private citizens cry, “never again.” And every time, equally like clockwork, very little gets done, says Stanford civil engineer Anne Kiremidjian, one of the world’s foremost authorities on constructing buildings that can withstand major natural disasters. She says there are technologies available that could move us toward stronger, safer buildings, but a lack of political and economic will is holding us back. What’s needed, Kiremidjian says, is the culture of resilience that has helped certain major metropolitan areas bounce back from disaster stronger than ever. That spirit is lacking in other cities and the result is months or even