Moviefaction Podcast

MiniFaction 007 - Color Blind Casting



All I can say is listen to it all first. I'm always trying to refine my way of thinking and as such I'm liable to change my opinion if offered better information. If I can summarize my personal opinion it would go like this. Acting isn't real, anyone can play anything and to say someone can't do something because of their race, sex or sexuality is ignorant. Scarlett Johansson was cast as a Trans man character in a movie and some members of the trans community have made it clear they do not like this. So who better to give their opinion than a Cis Male on the internet. Let's make a bevy of clips people can clip out of context and throw at me. Enlist today! Join the MovieFaction! Like Zombi on Facebook! Follow Zombi on Twitter! MovieFaction YouTube Playlist Subscribe on iTunes!