Greatness Quest

005: Self-Made Millionaire - How to be a Conscious Entrepreneur



Trevor Crane interviews self-made millionaire Jeffrey Slayter about the elements of building a successful enterprise and conscious entrepreneurship. Jeff also shares how the challenges he experienced at a young age, (e.g. being a C & D student in school) helped to guide his professional success. Jeffrey reveals the 5 Elements that a Conscious Entrepreneur follows to benefit their business and uplift humanity and planet earth. A self-made millionaire before the age of 30, Jeffrey Slayter has trained over 3 million in over 12 different countries, and spoken on stage alongside some of the other most successful entrepreneurs, thought leaders in the world. These include; Sir Richard Branson (founder of Virgin), Brian Tracy (world renown motivational speaker and author), John Gray (best-selling author of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus), Les Brown (internationally rated the top motivational speaker), Bob Proctor (star from the movie The Secret), Dr. Demartini (star from the movie The Secret), Frank K