Greatness Quest

#92: GOAL SETTING WORKSHOP - Daily Mentoring w/ Trevor Crane #greatnessquest



GOAL SETTING WORKSHOP: A Guide To Getting Any Goal #92: Daily Mentoring with Trevor Crane on SUMMARY & INTRO TO THE SHOW Today is July 1, 2018. Know what that means? We are HALF-way through the year! How are you doing? Where are you - in terms of your GOALS for the year? When you look in the mirror, do you have the BODY you want? If you look in your bank account, do you have the MONEY that you want? If not - it’s okay. YOU CAN STILL HIT YOUR GOALS. You still have the 6 months left. Time to really FOCUS and make things happen. Today’s show aims to GUIDE you, and help you GET ANY GOAL you want. GET THE APP: Text: TREVOR To: 36260 #greatnessquest #trevorcrane #unstoppable #idealbusiness #ideallife