Greatness Quest

#188: YOU CAN’T LEAD WHAT YOU DON’T LIVE.- Daily Mentoring w/ Trevor Crane #greatnessquest



YOU CAN’T LEAD WHAT YOU DON’T LIVE #188: Daily Mentoring with Trevor Crane on SUMMARY It’s been almost a year. And, FINALLY, I’m seeing the “ripple effect” of me choosing to walk my talk. It’s something small… but HUGE for me. And for my family. And for the people that I care about most. Here’s the secret: I truly believe that you can't really lead something that you do not live. You’ve got to live it to lead it, man. And there are some steps that you can’t skip. Clarity. Consistency. Hard work. And one of the most important things, discipline. GET THE APP: Text: TREVOR To: 36260 #greatnessquest #trevorcrane #unstoppable #idealbusiness #ideallife