Service Academy Business Mastermind

#173: Maximizing Your Potential Through Mindfulness and Meditation with David Duncavage, USMA ‘75



David Duncavage (USMA ‘75) joins us on the podcast with a background very different from many of our previous guests. David was a linebacker on the West Point football team and an infantry officer before he became a Trappist monk. He then joined the corporate world, working in companies that developed cutting edge technologies. David is now an executive coach and founder of Monk Coach where he helps executives live richer lives through mindfulness and meditation. In this episode, we discuss: How meditation and mindfulness fit into the business world and how David helps his clients integrate mindfulness into their professional lives His personal journey to stillness and the “aha” moment in his meditation practice How mindfulness and mediation can help you live a richer life  Connect with David:  David Duncavage MonkCoach If you found this episode valuable, please share it with a friend or colleague. If you are a Service Academy graduate and want to take your business to the next level, you can join our sup